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Membership & Registration at a Glance
IAgrE is the professional body for engineers, scientists, technologists and managers in agricultural and allied landbased industries. Click the icons to find out more.

How much will I pay?


1. Subscriptions Overview

5. Registered Environmentalists

2. Fees to Join IAgrE Today

6. Discounts when you retire / Reduced Fees

3. Moving on up through IAgrE

7. Initial processing fees

4. Registered Engineers with IAgrE Membership

8. How your IAgrE subscription is calculated

1. Subscriptions Overview

The amount you pay depends upon your grade of membership and where you are in your career. At IAgrE we try to make membership as accessible as possible to fit around your personal circumstances and career development.

If in doubt, just ask us. Telephone 01234 750876 or email [email protected]

Our membership subscriptions run from January to December. We offer discount for those who pay by annual direct debit. Direct debits are either a single payment in February (with discount) or you can pay 10 equal instalments (no discount) from February to November.

For a Direct Debit form CLICK HERE

2. Fees to Join IAgrE Today

These membership grades are for those from a range of backgrounds, including:

  • Students and apprentices following IAgrE recognised programmes and qualifications
  • Technicians who have completed a vocational qualification or apprenticeship who are working with the application of technology
  • People who have a general interest in the work of IAgrE and/or are not yet suitably qualified

An initial processing fee will be added to cover the costs of assessment and processing

If in doubt, just ask us. Telephone 01234 750876 or email [email protected]

Membership Grade


Standard Fee

Annual Direct Debit Fee

Student (Sponsored by the DBT)


Free (£25 per annum if not sponsored)











3. Moving on up through IAgrE

These are for people who have qualified and are progressing through their career. These are called "corporate" grades. This means that you will have voting rights at IAgrE meetings. If you are just starting out with a university degree, you should be eligible for the Associate Member Grade IAgrE membership. You will be able to progress to the higher grades of Member and Fellow with further experience and responsibility.

Membership Grade


Standard Fee

Annual Direct Debit Fee

Associate Member


From £52.50

From £42.50










4. Registered Engineers with IAgrE Membership

Many IAgrE members become Registered Professional Engineers. This includes Engineering Technician (EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) and Chartered Engineer (CEng) with the Engineering Council.

The fees below are inclusive of IAgrE membership, administration and registration fees.

Membership Grade


Standard Fee

Annual Direct Debit Fee

EngTech Technician

EngTech TIAgrE



EngTech Associate Member

EngTech AMIAgrE



EngTech Member

EngTech MIAgrE



Incorporated Member

 IEng MIAgrE



Chartered Member

 CEng MIAgrE



EngTech Fellow

 EngTech FIAgrE



Incorporated Fellow

 IEng FIAgrE



Chartered Fellow

 CEng FIAgrE




5. Registered Environmentalists

Many IAgrE members become a Chartered Environmentalist (CEnv) or Registered Environmental Practioners (REnvP) with the Society for the Environment.

For members who are Chartered Environmentalist, the annual fee is added to the membership fee. This is £72.00 which includes a £24.00 administration fee.   For members who are REnvP registered the annual fee is £50.00, which includes £18 administration fee.

If you are already registered with Engineering Council, you will pay only one administration fee and always the higher of the two.

See below for typical fees

Membership Grade


Standard Fee

Direct Debit Fee

CEnv Member

 CEnv MIAgrE



REnvP Member




CEnv Fellow

 CEnv FIAgrE



REnvP Fellow




CEnv EngTech Member

CEnv EngTech MIAgrE



CEnv Incorporated Member

CEnv IEng MIAgrE



CEnv Chartered Member

CEng CEnv MIAgrE



CEnv EngTech Fellow

CEnv EngTech FIAgrE



CEnv Incorporated Fellow

CEnv IEng FIAgrE



CEnv Chartered Fellow

CEng CEnv FIAgrE




6. Discounts when you retire and Reduced Fees

Many people continue with IAgrE membership and retain their Professional Registration after they retire. We appreciate these members contribution and many of these remain fully involved in IAgrE activities.

There are other circumstances where reduced fees are available, including

If in doubt, just ask us. Telephone 01234 750876 or email [email protected]

IAgrE offers discounted membership fees as shown below. Similarly, Engineering Council discount registration fees for people who have retired. There is no discount for retired Chartered Environmentalists. The following ates apply.

Membership Grade


Retired Fee

Annual Direct Debit Fee





Associate Member












Engineering Technician




Incorporated Engineer




Chartered Engineer




Chartered Environmentalist




Registered Environmental Practitioner





7. Initial membership and registration processing fees

These fees cover the cost of administration and assessment.             

Initial Membership Processing Fee for Affiliates and Associate Members £15.00
Initial Membership Processing Fee for Members and Fellows £40.00
Processing Fee for Upgrades to Member and Fellow £40.00
Initial Registration Fee for Chartered Engineer £147.00
Initial Registration Fee for Incorporated Engineer £105.00
Initial Registration Fee for Engineering Technician £40.00
Initial Registration Fee for Chartered Environmentalist £147.00
Initial Registration Fee for Registered Environmental Practioner £105.00


         *All Initial Registration Processing Fees include the fee for the first year of registration

All Members and Fellows pay a £10.00 fee for EurAgEng membership (included in the above) unless they choose to opt out.
Affiliates, Technicians and Associate Members may join EurAgEng if they wish, just let us know.

8. How your IAgrE subscription is calculated

The annual IAgrE fee you pay is made up of a range of parts depending upon your grade of membership and whether you choose additional professional registration. 

For example, the annual fee for MIAgrE IEng CEnv comprises of:

Membership Rate + Professional Membership Fee Rate(s) + Management Fee (if applicable) + EurAgEng Fee.


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IAgrE offers membership grades for every stage of your
career - your passport to professionalism...
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